...lies the mind of a threat to aquatic society.
"How?" you say. "How could that adorable child be a threat to anyone? Look at that smile! Look at those curls that are obviously styled by a woman who knows what she's doing? And that DIMPLE? How could anyone with such a cute dimple...how can you SAY such a thing?"
Mmm hmm.
Let me introduce you to Buddy's beloved pet fish.
What? What? You don't see a fish in that obviously clean and well-maintained fish bowl? What do you mean?
Mmm hmm.
When you come downstairs after putting away clean (and folded, mind you) socks and find this:
you know it warrants further investigation. So I investigated. And found Goldie swimming on his side at the surface of the water.
"CUDDLE BEAR!!!! What did you DO!!!"
"I wanted to pet him, Mommy. So I took him out."
"Oh, Cuddle Bear, you hurt him! I think he'll die. You'll have to tell Buddy what you did."
"...and then I stepped on him softly with my foots because I wanted to see if he had bloods."
ooooooooooooh that's not good, not good at all. Maybe it was a sacrifice.